داستان آبیدیک

revisionist power


1 تاریخ:: قدرت تجدید نظر طلب

The established powers' grand strategies held little room for the peaceful accommodation of the revisionist powers. Revisionist powers feel a strong temptation to break the military balance and may use asymmetric strategies to gain an advan- tage over militarily superior opponents. These soft-balancing measures, meant to delegitimize the positions and claims of the revisionist powers, only stoked the viru- lent nationalism of their populations and enabled their leaders' aggres- sive behavior. The revisionist powers were bent on al- tering the international power structure and saw the status quo powers as only trying to maintain their control and deprive the rising powers of the wealth, status, and power that were their due. The French used it to restrain German remilitarization and to obtain security guarantees from Britain, while the British used the disarmament negotiations un- der the League to contain German resurgence without having to rearm themselves.68 Understandably, however, Italy, Japan, and Germany, the three revisionist powers, sought to undercut the League's coercive powers and interference in their expansionist policies.

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